mini and opened his present and I offered 2 small "cheep, cheep-christmas" has put in his fir and a box of tissues chicken and other odds and ends to decorate
and then a fairy every year thinks of me and this year I asked for my cakes girls necklace set Frederique has already hooked after his USB and mini dare tell me that's the fairy ratééééééééééé "" lee "has yet to hit and then I'm in heaven subdued awe I have my kokeshisssssssssss is too belleeeeeeeeeee miles mercisssssssss mini (with in addition to a cake and tea 1/12me garni)
we all five for my daughter eve of Toulouse could come a good eve we ate well, though spoiled by the santa books on crochet hooks magic (Closer) and a head of pixies necklace and a receiver TNT all the time I zap and December 25 with my parents-it was twenty three generations at the table
Mrs. Claus could be ready for that day voila all outstanding that I did not had time to finish my firs miss the last round bookmark bear not finished napkin rings plaster not finished either home of Christmas far from being finished and mother Christmas not finished as late this year
cardboard for the top I started in a trailer found on this site I made a cardboard timber and cardboard 2nd pen they measure 21 cm by 10cm and 16cm high I put a base to move an axis for the wheels and AC drives it is c arto bo n IS power r M r