Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Remove Skin Tags Hurt

Happy birthday to us!

ago exactly one year, I tried to take the concept of "Overheard at ..." here in Lausanne. Now they are Angie , Funambuline and myself - and all the nice users who send us their contributions - which nourish this blog.

Pique on the net via google.

So I wish us a happy birthday and that this new year brings lots of fragments of conversations tasty!

I want to remind the existence of fanpage and twitter.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ruger 10 22 Stocks Bullpup

At St. Francis, pedestrian lights, a tourist:

- Oh it's funny they bus your car!
- A trailer you mean?

Heard by Fred M.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Restaurant With Tall Hats

One evening at a bus stop, a guy, early thirties, phone:

- So it there, I called "Sloppiness".
- ...
- No, she is super different from "Being sentimental!
- ...
- Yes, they look a little, it's like the same theme, you know?

heard with my own ears and still not understand what the guy talking ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Do Car Sun Shades Work

Heard an evening in a restaurant
When I'm bored, I visualize myself trying to piss me off and suddenly I'm bored anymore!

Heard by Diane F.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is Marsoc Or Rangers Harder?

What follows I have a moral problem. Nobody is supposed to spy on his friends and report their drunken speech on the Internet. But I received an email, I must m'excécuter.
When a drink a little watered between "twittos" Lausanne, Angie, who has been drinking all evening Petit Caillou, reportedly said

The pebbles are the major rivers.

Funambuline , just drink and although exceptionally little drunk that night, would split a:

The hashtag "I eat well puree" is a hashtag challenging. It is not within the reach of all "twittos.

All I was told by Miss -cassis.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Charriol Cable Bracelet

February 9, 2011 3D maps

beautiful images to print and cut to make beautiful cards
love these sites I'm a fan
http://crealolo.centerblog . net /
http: / / /
good walk and good DIY
Image du Blog
Source: on centerblog.

Poptropica Credit

February 9, 2011 the return of ailinn

I knew ailinn pushing the doors of its forum
unfortunately it was closed but returns ailinn
found on his blog crochet and knit and soon translations callus
I am on his new-letter and am aware of the new

Denise Milani Retirement

February 9, 2011 February 1, 2011

yesterday I was looking for pictures and I came across this website I admired the 18 pages on my mood and vibes appreciated -thoughts-positive-15.html

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Make Fleece Scarves No Sew

Two Japanese with a baby, wanting to go to Geneva, had mistaken the train to Bern. The controller had just cracked a Must take the train in the opposite direction French prior to let our tourists plan, I will undertake to explain where to get off, I give them train schedules, route, etc.. English.

A gentleman of sixty years, a little red-faced, very Vaud, then looks to his wife

young, they know how to cook, but at least they know languages.

Heard it with my own ears a while ago on the train Lausanne-Bern.

Pirates Of The Carribean Alto Sax

Prilly At the Coop, two old ladies discussing the case:

- I Frederick Francis saw on TV this morning. It is always so beautiful and he sings just as well.
- Oh yes, it's a little Frank Sinatra French.
heard with my own ears and I was smiling all day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Morton's Tender Quick

the evening outside a bar. Three young Vietnamese über speaking styles of one of their friend any more what is White

- Too abused you see, he continued, imagine!
- Nan, but he too is a Chang! Heard from my
own ears and still not understood.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

John Deere Snowmobile Parts Identifacation


We are now three co-authors to leave lying around our ears Lausanne and feed this blog: Angie , Funambuline and Myself .

We also created a twitter account and facebook page which we invite you to subscribe if you wish to be kept informed of updates. If you would like to advertise for free, you will find banners here .

As always, you can submit your indiscretions address the hearing (at) hotmail (dot) ch.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Color Shutters On A Light Blue House

On the train a guy to his friends:

We do not even know and she joins in the conversation. You do that you make yourself in Lausanne stab!

Heard by Hatman .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vba Gamebreaker Does Not Work On Mac

A girl in the train. She has a fantasy book in hand.

In this excerpt that I've just read ... You replaced by Tanaka Vincent And it sums up exactly our situation.
Heard by Raph .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Xbox 360 Surf Internet

A beautician on the phone with a potential customer explains the various bikini she practices at the institute. Suddenly, the potential client seems to confirm his interest in being treated and on this, the beautician asks

- bus ticket is the size of the old or new format you want ?

With reference to the size of a bus ticket from Lausanne who recently changed and are now wider.

Heard by Angie in a beauty salon in Lausanne.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Bugs In Surgeonxmas

links miniature curtains curtains

'm disappointed with my curtains I must get a make the raised design
am part of the coup that jacquard crochet and 2 colors
any rikiki 3cm x5 cm
I'll try it with a darning thread and resume the hook netting half flanges
highlight the drawing by taking the mesh behind
next episode

Better Face Wash Neutrogena Or Cetaphil?

February 1, 2011 February 1, 2011

this time 0.6 is a hook must be small to be counted correctly concentrated my mind occupied
I found this border chickens
I have separated and made one by one

they are between 6.5 to 7 cm x 9 - 9.5 cm high
all the 4

Murraya Koenigii For Sale

miniature miniature curtains

then with a hook 0.75 and of course a lil chicken
8.5 cm x 10 cm high still too large as the best seen drawing a picture in reality it continues

Netgear Unlock For Sale

February 1, 2011 borders, curtains miniature

just a lil word morale is not great Fixed a death in the family is already not easy but it's affected me greatly I'm in trouble I think she has left too early today it would were 47 years I think of her husband and children
therefore need to change my mind I
crochet borders
this site a great resource label / BARRADOS% 20DE% C3% 8A% 20CROCH
and a thought for mini
his home sweet home has windows
but had no answer to my question about the dimensions
hop and try cotton 1 hook No. 1

11.5 cm x 14 cm not good for a mini curtain is too
and more it is not drawing well in real today

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Does Xbox Hdmi Adapter Work

c is anniversary of the mini
she loves strawberries
first test of a model derived from strawberry bonbonniere this site
I lined red fabric with black dots and a little lace and a lil bag
always strawberry model from this site -59761550.html

and also doubled and pink lace ptite
all accompanied by a card homemade mini
happy birthday

Friday, January 14, 2011

How To Get Baby's Plem Out

14 January 14, 2011 January 2011 10 January 2011 ice

ptite ice 3 cm high chocolate strawberry vanilla
I found the model on this site 45993581.html

Tech Deck

bookmark bear

caterpillar son in her arms and body to articulate
doubled (back-front) and sew feet inside
bookmark Bear
droops at http://