Take time to review the executive summary and / or a few chapters of this report released last week by the USGCRP (U.S. Global Change Research Program, a program multi-agency research on climate change that includes NOAA, NASA, NIH, EPA, CDC, ...).
Presented by the boss's office of Science and Technology of the White House, this report details by region by region (the most affected areas are the Pacific and North East) and socio-economic sector (water resources, transportation, ecosystems, human health, agriculture, corporations, energy) impacts of climate change on the United States according to the scenarios (higher or lower emission emissions).
If the conclusions of this study are known (rising sea level to review the Chesapeake Bay and outerbanks, increased heat waves with lots of deaths as in 2005, droughts and torrential rains as we live in Chicago or Dallas, the ozone pollution in the city, some vector-borne diseases kind of Lyme disease in Canada ...), however, the experts draw attention to the sociological impacts of climate change should not be considered an environmental issue but as a topic whose full impact on the economy The organization and well-being of human societies. And yes, 100 days a year to over 42 ° C in Los Angeles in 2080, is not really comfortable!
it motivates to participate actively in Copenhagen before and put pressure on our governments so that trading in the post-Kyoto GHG reduction targets to be successful ... and begin to change our lifestyles, we have no choice and it will be difficult.
NB: I am much inspired by the draft of this work to write my last report on "Climate Change and Health" I will certainly send you in September.

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